the surgeon to whom I owe my life
our eyes didn't meet, our lips didn't touch
there was no magic that danced about
we didn't fall head over heels in love
neither did we make passionate love under the moonlight
ran off hand in hand into the sunflower fields, we didn't
happily ever after wasn't our end
yet here I am, thanking you for making me rise in love 
With the person behind this facade
for being the unseen hand in this self-discovery
an invisible force behind this metamorphosis,
oblivious to the tempestuous squall inside.
Waiting on you was never my plan
but coveting you was my heart's desire
drowning in the pools of your livid eyes wasn't what I had in mind
but from icy depths of self-imprisonment you had me discharged
Saved me from the demons inside
You go on as you always have
Ignorant to the sentiments you've inspired
I watch as you turn around that alley, smiling
Into the crowds I vanish once again
Renewed. Revived. Resurrected.


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