
Showing posts from May, 2015
"Life begins at the end of your comfort zone." I can't remember the number of times I've read/heard this clichéd sentence and wondered about its authenticity. My new year resolution was to step out of that zone to experience the magic that lies beyond. The 'known' was comfortable. It offered a cushy blow to my silly mistakes. It sheltered me and protected me like a worried father. But this wasn't enough, this wasn't ecstasy. Life wasn't meant to be bogged down by trivialities. With its boring expectations and silly needs, not met by kindred seductions. I craved for a way out of this mundane, humdrum existence. It wasn't easy, it didn't come naturally, and it certainly wasn't comfortable. Happiness and true fulfillment begins at the end of your comfort zone.  -Lux Solis. Goa, INDIA.
the surgeon to whom I owe my life our eyes didn't meet, our lips didn't touch there was no magic that danced about we didn't fall head over heels in love neither did we make passionate love under the moonlight ran off hand in hand into the sunflower fields, we didn't happily ever after wasn't our end yet here I am, thanking you for making me rise in love  With the person behind this facade for being the unseen hand in this self-discovery an invisible force behind this metamorphosis, oblivious to the tempestuous squall inside. Waiting on you was never my plan but coveting you was my heart's desire drowning in the pools of your livid eyes wasn't what I had in mind but from icy depths of self-imprisonment you had me discharged Saved me from the demons inside You go on as you always have Ignorant to the sentiments you've inspired I watch as you turn around that alley, smiling Into the crowds I vanish once again ...


 -Lux Solis. Wayanad, Kerala, INDIA. 2015 is the year of big news. Of moving mountains. Metaphorically. I still believe in paradise. I still believe in magic. It's not some place you look for, not something you can chase after. It's finding the moments that take your breath away in this humdrum existence and choosing to create your own paradise right where you're.
Somewhere between acquiring degrees, brooding over exams  Agonizing over the trivialities…Life happened. In the midst of all the chaos, the pandemonium - Life kept happening. Engrossed by mere banalities, I paid no heed to its call Brushed it away. Dismissed it with a flick of my hand. Life tapped me on the shoulder, life landed gently on my brow.  Reminding me to take note, to pause and smell the roses But alas, I couldn't be bothered. I had to run, run swiftly, catch up to the invisible bus.  Chasing long after it was gone, consumed in swirls of smog left in its wake. Subtleties weren't my forte. Unfortunately, life hadn't a moment to spare I grumbled at my inadequacies, I protested that life wasn't merry But life kept happening - at its own pace, one treasure at a time, like pearls on a string Unapologetically. Nonchalant to its ungracious child A moment by the water fountain, a smirk from that crush she'd been waiting on A best friend's lazy...