Hope Never Fades Away
Isn't it sad how everything slowly fades away? No matter how strongly you felt about something at a particular moment, it eventually fades away into oblivion. You think that you'll never feel the same way again, or you think you'll never breathe again, or sometimes you even fool yourself into thinking you're going to die from the pain; and yet you're okay. It might leave a memory. Just as a deep cut leaves a scar. But the pain goes away. Once in a while, you might look at the scar or someone might notice it and ask how you ended up with it, that's when you're reminded of the incident. But otherwise, it simply fades away. Sad, but true. I wondered for the longest time, why it has to be that way and realized; it's nature's way of healing you. You simply cannot exist any other way. As strongly as I feel for you now, I know I'll be healed of you eventually. So, do I stop feeling for you less? Do I take a step back? Do I hold back? Do I say I've had enough? No, you know why? Because I simply cannot exist any other way.
~ breathe it ~ believe it ~ become it ~