Lets do the Hokey-Pokey!!

Today is the DAY! Of epiphanies on the can..
Of new beginnings. Of fresh starts. Of chocolate cakes. Of mcflurries. Of lollipops, oh how i missed thee! :D
I feel like myself, again! I feel like I took the wrong detour and wandered aimlessly, frustrated and lost. I've found my way back and oh-dear-lord, it feels SO good to be back :)
I certainly hated being the tragic queen. It just ain't my style, mister! 
So, to celebrate my return from the dungeons and my victory over the dragons-lets pop open the booze, turn on the music, do the tango!
...Is that all there is? If thats all there is, my love-then lets keep dancing...:) 

"The saga of the huntress
the reign of the ice princess
Came to an end.
The huntress who hungered
For so much more,
Finally comes home.
To rest herself peacefully,
In the arms of her beloved."


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