
When you open yourself up to someone, the possibility of something new-you open yourself up to the good and the bad. You put yourself at the risk of heartache, pain, disappointment-but unless you are willing to embrace these, you cannot willingly give yourself to someone completely! To enjoy the good, you've got to equally embrace the bad. You've to let yourself be vulnerable, let yourself be seen, heard and known. Yes, this also opens you to judgment and disappointment, which can be terrifying, but the alternative of feeling nothing..of being NUMB is a lot worse. 

I've always been the kinda girl that wallows after a bad breakup or a heartache, I choose not to numb these emotions and instead give in to them. I write, I eat, I sleep, I watch movies in my jammies, I disconnect myself from the world..and give myself time to heal. There's nothing wrong with that. Once I'm done wallowing, I come out of it much stronger and ready to face the next big thing. And let me tell you, I never flitter back to my old ways. Once I'm over something/someone, I'm OVER! Most people don't give themselves time to heal and instead lock these emotions up in a box, throw away the key and push them under the bed. I like to call this "The Pandora's Box." Ignoring your emotions is like trying to sweep the dust under the carpet and expecting it to go away. Just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it isn't there! And when it's time for spring cleanup, boy, you sure have a lotta cleaning up to do! In other words, what we call as "Baggage." The best thing you can do for yourself is to admit you're hurt, accept that you are a vulnerable creature, that showing emotions isn't a sign of weakness; after all we are all human, to feel is to be alive! Let yourself be to feel, free to love, free to express, free to live. Break those shackles that tie you down, stop being who you think you should be...or who the world thinks you should be, instead BE WHO YOU ARE!! Without shame, without fear. 


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