Letter of Request..

Dear Stitchu,
I know that we had an agreement that we were never to surface these four years. We apologize for this intrusion. Desperate times call for desperate measures, therefore, we are typing this in hopes that you read it later on and take some decisive action.
So much has happened, so much passed by and the longer summer days are too short. Not a day goes by now that we don't think of the good old days. Why do you think this reminiscing means that we are getting old and senile? This is probably very normal for everyone who will not be young much longer. What is so great about being young anywayz? Why the paranoia? It gives us a headache.
Did you think you were fooling us, when you stay up late till 3 chatting and using our energy and resources, putting the alarm for 7:00am hoping to wake yourself up? Over the years and subtly, we have tried to remind you that stressing at the last minute is unhealthy and ruins your sleep pattern and gives us a migraine! Time and time again, we try to instill the workaholic program, but you end up being a procrastinator because you believe you can waltz through stuff. We have also tried to instill the care-not/insensitive program for your own good, but you have not only blocked us out but also seized our access. There is only oh-so much we can do.
You still have to learn a lot. And our best recommendation is to stop surfing the Net and forums. Bhaadme jaye teri laptop, when are you going to open a book? Remember paper, little lines of ink running on a piece of paper that you can touch and feel?
Our hours are M-F, now open extended hours, from 7:00 am - 9:00 pm. For your convenience, you can call us anytime for any ethical, moral or life-threatening dilemma, operators are standing by patiently.
G.U.R. Conscience
The Brain Department
u know it all and still u stress out ..... let the brain department takecare of it .... :D